Qorvo, a leading provider of innovative RF solutions that connect the world announced the interoperability of its DW3000 family of products with the Apple U1 chip used in iPhone and Apple Watch models and the new Nearby Interaction protocol specification draft unveiled at the 2021 Worldwide Developers Conference. This compatibility will enable developers to easily evaluate new app experiences based on location, distance, and direction relative to a U1-equipped iPhone or Apple Watch. The DW3000 is Qorvo's next-generation ultra-wideband (UWB) chipset family and is ramping into full production in four variants, along with several modules and beta development kits.
Qorvo’s cutting-edge ultra-wideband (UWB) products add key location functionality to existing applications and unleash a completely new class of emerging location-based products and services.
Qorvo’s UWB products are available as ICs or modules (with or without a microcontroller). We also have development kits that allow you to explore the possibilities with ultra-wideband.
超宽带技术 (UWB) 是最佳定位跟踪技术,您应该使用这项技术。我们可以说 UWB 是当今最好、最先进的定位技术,但证据呢?要回答这个问题,我们需要透过现象看本质。 本章探讨了 UWB 技术的内部工作原理,并概述了 UWB 和窄带定位方法之间的差异。此外,本章还说明了如何针对不同的应用或用例场景选择最佳的系统架构。