
Volkswagen showcases future use cases with UWB equipped concept car: higher levels of theft protection, safety, convenience.
NXP, BMW Group, and Continental work on new auto Ultra-Wideband (UWB) use cases and standards in CCC

News Highlights

  • Enables a broad range of striking new use cases such as true handsfree smartphone car access
  • Provides spatial awareness to cars and smart devices through unique UWB localization capabilities
  • New automotive Integrated Circuit (IC) completes NXP’s UWB portfolio spanning  auto, mobile and IoT ecosystems
Strategy Analytics最新发布的研究报告《UWB的回归:智能手机、汽车、工业等芯片预测》指出,2019年UWB(超宽带)系统和无线电芯片市场实现了飞跃。
引言   UWB(Ultra-Wideband,超宽带)脉冲无线传输技术是近两三年在国际上兴起的一种无线通信革命性的通信技术,与其他无线通信技术相比有很大不同:不需要使用载波


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