
蓝牙技术资讯网倾力呈现:龙芯中科、飞腾信息、海光信息、兆芯、电科申泰、华为海思、紫光展锐、全志科技、瑞芯微、北京君正、晶晨半导体、国科微、中星微、苏开国芯、平头哥半导体、合芯科技、景嘉微、天数智芯、芯动科技、芯瞳半导体、登临科技、摩尔线程、沐曦集成电路、壁仞科技、瀚博半导体、高云半导体、上海安路、紫光国微、京微齐力、智多晶微、华微电子、遨格芯 、联捷科技、中科亿海、易灵思、复旦微电
Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. today continued to demonstrate its vision and leadership in the wireless audio space with the introduction of Qualcomm® aptX™ Lossless audio technology to its already extensive audio portfolio. aptX Lossless is a new capability of the proven aptX Adaptive technology and a new feature of Snapdragon Sound™ Technology that is designed to deliver CD quality 16-bit 44.1kHz lossless audio quality over Bluetooth® wireless technology.  Qualcomm Technologies has taken a systems level approach and optimized a number of core wireless connectivity and audio technologies, including aptX Adaptive, which work together to auto detect and scale-up and are designed to deliver CD lossless audio when a user is listening to a lossless music file and the RF conditions are suitable.