Bluetooth® low energy Protocol Stack is equipped with the standard profile API and custom profile mountable API. Moreover, it supports embedded and modem configurations.
Application Examples
Renesas RL78/G1D BLE Module Expansion Board-RTKYRLG1D0B00000BJ
Published in Development Board
RTKYRLG1D0B00000BJ is RL78/G1D BLE Module Expansion Board.
Renesas:IoT Sensor Board with Machine Learning & Bluetooth® Low Energy
Published in Bluetooth modules
This is a reference design for a versatile Internet of Things (IoT) sensor board solution. It targets applications in industrial predictive maintenance, smart home/IoT appliances with gesture recognition, wearables (activity tracking), and mobile for innovative human machine interface, or HMI, (FingerSense) solutions. This reference design was developed with Renesas partner Qeexo, who provided their Automated Machine Learning platform (AutoML) for edge devices.
To use the RX23W Bluetooth feature, a protocol stack conforming to the Bluetooth specification is required. Also, the Bluetooth-compliant profiles and mesh software enhance your Bluetooth product interoperability in a wide application area.
Bluetooth® Low Energy Wireless Solution to Accelerate Realization of IoT of Embedded Devices
Published in technical articles
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 00:11

Renesas Bluetooth® Low Energy RA4W1 Solutions

Bluetooth® Low Energy Wireless Solution to Accelerate Realization of IoT of Embedded Devices.

Single chip Bluetooth® 5.0 Low Energy application controller using popular ARM Cortex M4 core with dedicated Secure Crypto Engine

Renesas Extends Bluetooth 5.0 Connectivity to RA Family of 32-Bit MCUs with Arm Cortex-M Core
Published in Bluetooth chips
Enhanced Security and Privacy for Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy Connections Supported with Flexible Software Package and Comprehensive Arm Ecosystem.

Renesas Electronics Corporation  introduced the first RA microcontroller (MCU) with an integrated Bluetooth® 5.0 Low Energy radio on 07 May 2020. The single-chip RA4W1 MCU includes a 48 MHz, 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M4 core and Bluetooth 5.0 core delivered in a 56-pin QFN package. Together, the RA4W1 MCU and easy-to-use Flexible Software Package (FSP) enables engineers to immediately begin development with Arm ecosystem software and hardware building blocks that work out-of-the-box with RA MCUs.

The RA4W1 MCU makes it easy for embedded designers to develop safe and secure IoT endpoint devices for Industry 4.0, building automation, metering, healthcare, consumer wearable, and home appliance applications. The MCU is also ideal for developing IoT edge devices for wireless sensor networks, IoT hubs, an add-on to gateways, and an aggregator to IoT cloud applications.