
Displaying items by tag: Bluetooth LE

This example shows you how to track the 2-D or 3-D position of a Bluetooth® low energy (LE) node by using Bluetooth® Toolbox.

Using this example, you can:

  • Simulate direction-finding packet exchange in the presence of radio frequency (RF) front end impairments, path loss, and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN).

  • Track the node position by using Bluetooth direction-finding features and position estimation techniques.

  • Improve the location accuracy by using a Kalman filter from Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox™.

Nordic’s nRF52810 Bluetooth LE SoC powers COVID-19 Home Test kit set to ship in tens of millions. The at-home test will help tackle SARS-CoV-2 pandemic by providing a simple-to-use method to acquire the information needed to reduce risk of transmission.
Published in News and Reports
The BlueNRG-LP is an ultra-low power programmable Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless SoC solution. It embeds STMicroelectronics’s state-of-art 2.4 GHz RF radio IPs combining unparalleled performance with extremely long-battery lifetime. It is compliant with Bluetooth® Low Energy SIG core specification version 5.2 addressing point-to-point connectivity and Bluetooth Mesh networking and allows large-scale device networks to be established in a reliable way. The BlueNRG-LP is also suitable for 2.4 GHz proprietary radio wireless communication to address ultra-low latency applications.
Published in Bluetooth chips
Genki Instruments’ Wave uses Nordic’s nRF52832 SoC to turn hand gestures into low latency wireless instrument control
Published in News and reports