Z-LASER 是在工业和贸易方面创新激光应用方面的专家!
30年来, 位于德国弗莱堡的Z-LASER开发制造了多个行业的激光定位系统应用产品.
• 基于激光的测量和投影系统,可作为结果性能对比仪器或者装配过程中的光学指导系统.
• 三角传感器的结构激光用于自动光学质量测量
• 激光模块用于定位,例如重复性的要求精确的标签贴放。
.目标性能比较: 在工件上直接标注缺陷区域!
激光投影仪 LP
.数据传输方式:Ethernet, PLC, 串口
.输出功率: 1mW-6.000mW
.波长: 405-830nm (红, 绿, 蓝, 红外)
.点、高斯和规则线、多线、点阵 , 十字线、其它要求的投影
.Projection 尺寸: 低至 <6μm (1/e2) 线宽
.工作电压: 4,5-30VDC
Z3D 表面扫描
T Z3D表面扫描的技术基础是激光投影立体摄像头系统,可选配一个扫描数据处理软件包。得益于一个专用校正流程,大部分工件不需要参考标记就可以被快速准确的捕捉到。激光扫描适用于构造差和非配合表面.比如铸造前的灼热钢件。
The Z3D also provides the option to derive geometrical CAD models on the basis of the stereometrically generated point cloud.These geometrical CAD models can be integrated into the production process (i.e., the extraction of navigation lines towards the process center).
Z3D 投影
The interior equipment of passenger cars often require complicated and manual assemblies e.g., car door assembly.Here the laser projectors guide the worker through each step of the production process: they show him where to take which parts and components, how many of them, and where to mount them.Thus even highly complex cabling operations can be considerably accelerated.Furthermore, instruction texts can be displayed and critical spots or defective parts can be marked.This means a reduction of the training time for new employees while simultaneously improving quality control.By projecting a red area, the laser projector can also contribute to the safety of the entire manufacturing process.
房车制造过程中, 墙壁和地板上的零件按照三明治结构方式构建。激光投影仪用于装配过程中的零件(比如缓冲块、支撑架和线束等)定位。定位数据保存在不同的图像层中,因此能够按照工序被连续逐层投影出来。通常每个工位需要两个激光投影仪。
车身制造: CFRP
In electric vehicles the weight-bearing parts like the vehicle frame are made out of carbon .ber reinforced plastic.Single frame parts are either laminated or produced using the wrapping method.Before any CFRP components are assembled, the connecting areas must be cleaned manually.The laser projector shows the worker the cleaning areas as a polygon directly on the connecting work areas.
定位: CFRP
During the handling of .ber composite materials, the precise projection of alignment patterns can bring great bene.ts to the production process and increase the product quality.The laser projector shows the outline of each .ber mat directly in the form and enables a quick and easy positioning and alignment of layers.In addition to the reduction of production time the learning phase of new employees or model changes are signi.cantly facilitated.Also parts can easily be positioned and aligned in carbon .ber components by laser projectors.This eliminates otherwise needed templates, which are expensive in creation, need bulky storage, and are elaborate to modify.A laser projector only needs a rapid change in the drawing!
在 CFRP垫子上投影出目标轮廓,人工切割就变得很简单了。 这样印上或者画出切割轮廓的方法就过时了。