Advances in technology mean that smart clothes are moving away from the preserve of fitness fanatics and heading squarely into the mainstream. But what if our clothes could tell us not only how we’re doing but how they’re doing as well?
Smartphone battery life remains a frustration for many users. The same problem also applies to a wide range of IoT devices. Although it’s easy to bury yourself in detail seeking a perfect solution, it’s important not to lose sight of the broader picture.
A growing number of everyday digital devices, including things like smartphones, door locks, and even the latest cars, now use a wireless feature called spatial awareness. A spatially aware digital device can understand where it is in relation to other devices, and then respond to changes in the positioning of those devices. Spatial awareness makes it easier for us, the users of digital devices, to move through our days.
1.Low Power Consumption
2.High cost-effectiveness and Compatibility
3.Stability, Safety and Reliability
4.Wireless coexistence
5. Connection range
6.Ease of use and integration


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